

 There was a time when the Word of God, as revealed to Jesus Christ, was recorded on the shoulder-blades of animals, on stone slabs, on the parchment and papyri, by those who were nearest and dearest to Christ. Whatever the master preached was faithfully written down by the scribes who followed his teachings and believed in him. Every single word, therefore, that Christ uttered, was the revealed Word of God, for as we learn from Christ himself: “I can of mine ownself do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just: because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath SENT me. If I bear witness of MYSELF, my witness is NOT TRUE.” (John, 5:30-31). The sublime truths that he taught, the noble philosophy of life that he brought for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, the goodly ethical codes of conduct that he exhorted his people to follow, were all part of a new dispensation that Providence deemed to promulgate after the Mosaic Law was altered and adulterated by its adherents.  

A collection of every single word, commandment, permission, prohibition, censure and other teachings of the Master, faithfully reproduced in its pristine purity in the original Aramaic language which he spoke, would no doubt comprise the True Word of God, or the Bible. The Great Question is: Is THIS Bible in existence? The answer is clearly NO, as every Bible scholar knows. 

What is the present Bible, then? – you may ask. Is it not the Word of God? The answer is: What used to be the Word of God has been so adulterated by human hands that the Word of God is hardly distinguishable from the word of man. In some places we do still find a glimmer of the truth that Jesus taught – the gems of divine wisdom that he uttered for the good of his people – but these are few and far between in the jungles of interpolations and contradictions with which the Bible is dense. 

The purpose of this book is not to antagonize the reader – Christian or non-Christian – against the Bible. The Bible is regarded as the holy book by millions of Christians, and no matter what is said in this book, believers will continue to believe in what they believe, or what they have been taught to believe. 

I have expended my efforts in order to reach the MIND of the reader. The mind THINKS, the heart BELIEVES. If belief is arrived at without THINKING, it is blind. But, if we arrive at belief through the God-endowed process of THINKING and REASONING, then no one can shake or destroy that belief.  

The fact that today thousands of Christians are leaving Christianity and are accepting another faith, is proof that this religion is not as firm and solid as it is claimed. Any ideology or faith that is based on the tenuous foundation of blind belief cannot last, and sooner or later its adherents will begin to wonder in their minds and leave it for a more solid and rational persuasion. 

Christianity, as we all know, is founded on BLIND BELIEF where rational thinking plays no part whatever. “Believe, and you will be saved”, is a cry we always hear. St. Paul had made it absolutely clear when

he wrote: “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

(2 Corinthians, 5:7).            

If out of ten people that read this book, three or four begin to THINK and inquire into their belief, and question the religion into which they were born, then this humble endeavour of mine would have been worth-while.